Monday, April 26, 2010

I have seen Vertigo multiple times, and every time I grow to like it more. It is very slow paced and compared to today's standards can seem to drag. However to me the pace helps the narrative and keeps everything suspenseful and engaging. The use of the famous Vertigo effect was used in this film multiple times and is really a prime example of this type of shot.
My favorite aspect is the characters however. They are despicable and dirty people, yet we connect with them. I mean he tries desperately to turn her into the girl he once loved. That is very sick and even offensive. Yet at the same time she allows him too because she is as confused and deranged as him. Also she is part of the whole set-up against him which also shines negatively on her character. Its a real achievement of the filmmaker to make the audience connect with these types of people. Alfred Hitchcock still remains my favorite director. His films play out to me as perfectly constructed plays. The dialogue, shots, everything follows a certain form for each film. This film is excellent.

: What's this doohickey?
Midge: It's a brassiere! You know about those things, you're a big boy now.
Scottie: I've never run across one like that.
Midge: It's brand new. Revolutionary up-lift: No shoulder straps, no back straps, but it does everything a brassiere should do. Works on the principle of the cantilevered bridge.
Scottie: It does?
Midge: An aircraft engineer down the peninsula designed it; he worked it out in his spare time.
Scottie: Kind of a hobby, a do-it-yourself kind of thing!
5 out of 5

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